Tame Your IBS.
Calm Your Gut.

As a Monash FODMAP trained dietitian, I help adults who are struggling with IBS and other digestive disorders tame their bloating, pain and funky bowels.

Does any of this sound like you?

Hi, I'm Andrea...

. . . a Monash FODMAP trained trained dietitian, and your guide to a calmer gut.

As an IBS sufferer, I understand what it’s like to have bothersome, embarrassing and life-diminishing gut symptoms.  It sucks cancelling plans, worrying about toilet access, and saying no to your favourite foods.

That’s why I’m dedicated to helping people manage their symptoms, identify their triggers, and enjoy food again. 

To this end, I provide science-backed diet and lifestyle advice while taking an individualized, holistic and non-judgmental approach to caring for my clients.

Want to learn more?

Andrea Senchuk Registered Dietitian specializing in IBS, Celiac, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Reflux, and other digestive disorders.
Andrea Senchuk, Monash trained dietitian in Ottawa, specializing in IBS and other digestive disorders.

Work With Me

Whether you have IBS or another digestive disorder, you’re in the right place!

As a dietitian with a focus on digestive health, I help adults find the right foods for their bodies, adopt healthy gut habits, and tame their symptoms.

Woman looking in fridge wondering what to eat for her IBS

Learn what to eat

woman enjoying low fodmap green smoothie

Find food freedom

man relaxing on beach while feeling relief from IBS symptoms

Feel relief from gut symptoms

expert support and guidance sign post

Get guidance and support

A blog dedicated to empowering you with the know-how to kick your IBS to the curb so you can feel better and do the things you want to do.

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